You may find these tips useful to prepare and take your first yoga class.
Before you take your first yoga class do some research to make sure you pick a class that will work best for you. You may not want to walk into a Power Yoga class as a beginner. Maybe call the yoga studio you want to go to and speak to someone about the classes offered to determine the best class for you.
Arrive Early
Arrive to the studio 10 minutes early to sign in and fill out paper work. During this time, you can talk to the teacher or the front desk staff to find out more about the class.
You do not have to buy a yoga mat right away. Most yoga studios will let you rent a mat or they have mats that you can use during class. Call the studio ahead of time to determine if you can rent or borrow a yoga mat.
What to Wear
It is important to be comfortable in whatever you choose to wear. I suggest wearing layers so if you get hot during the class you can shed clothing then put them back on during Savasana at the end of class. Loose fitted clothing is good but if your shirt is, too loose it may come up over your head during Downward Dog.
Ahhh…. Socks… lol! Take them off! Unless you are wearing yoga socks with your toes out. Take your socks off to prevent sliding all over your mat.
Most teachers use English to refer to yoga poses during class but some us Sanskrit. Don’t panic!! You will begin to learn what the Sanskrit words mean.
Some classes begin and end chanting OM – OM is a vibration or mantra for mind body and spirit. It is not required so if you do not want to do it… don’t. If you want to join in feel free to join everyone.
One of the side effects of yoga is that you may experience emotional release. Don’t panic this is NORMAL. I repeat this is NORMAL. Some people experience frustration, happiness, fear, sadness vulnerability and tears. It is all normal. Do not judge yourself. Just go with it.
At the beginning of your class, your teacher may ask if you want adjustments during the class. Some adjustment require your instructor to touch you. The adjustments help you get deeper into the poses and alignment. If you do not feel comfortable with your teacher giving you adjustments, it’s ok to tell your teacher you do not want adjustments.
Breathing is the most important part of this practice. Your instructor will give you instructions on how to incorporate breathing during the class.
Savasana or Corpse pose allows you to relax and absorb the benefits of the poses practiced during class. This is the hardest pose for beginners and advanced yogis. Learn More about Savasana.
The class usually closes with the word Namaste. It means, “The light in me honors the light in you” The instructor will say it to the class and you can say it back if you'd like.
I hope these tips help you. If you have, additional questions feel free to comment or send me a message